
We created this page to help you design and manufacture bent tube! Let us know what else you would like to see a calculator for!

Bend In The Middle Calculator

Bend In The Middle Calculator - Clamp Block Distance

Bend In The Middle Calculator - Tube Layout

Double 90 – Symmetrical

Double 90 – Symmetrical (U Bend)

U bend (2 x 90 degree) Positive Clamp Block DistanceU bend (2 x 90 degree) Negative Clamp Block Distance

Rolled Radius Calculator

You can use the calculator below to calculate the radius of an already existing shape (like a car roof or bumper). Measuring the radius of an existing large shape is tough without some help.

Bump Bend Radius Calculator

Bump Bending (Tube Rolling)

“Bump Bending” is when you make a series of small bends in a straight piece of tubing to approximate a rolled bend. Roll bending is the true way to make large sweeping bends in tubing. We show a roll bender in the “Bender Tech” article on this site. Start with the calculator above if you need to calculate the radius of an already existing shape (like a car roof or bumper). You can use the calculator below to figure out how many bends will go in your part and how many degrees to put on each bend!

Radius Bump Bend


Can I use this for any tube bender?

You can likely apply these calulations and layouts to your JD2, ProTools, JMR, Baileigh, or another tubing/pipe bending machine. Just look for the “start of bend” number we provide. Add or subtract your bend offset for your tubing bender, and you’ll be ready to bend accurately on any machine. We’re your one-stop tube bending resource no matter what machine you’re using!

What should we make a calculator for next?

We will build our next FREE calculator for whatever gets the most votes. Just leave your comment and tell us what you want to see. Our 2 most common requests are shown below. We also get a lot of requests for the base 2-bend-U, just a part with (2) 90 degree bends. You can vote for anything, whether we have suggested it or not!

Slider or B Pillar Calculator?

59 thoughts on “Design

  1. B pillar please

  2. excellent work, this calculator would be great for my rollcage project of my race car

  3. B-Pillar

  4. sliders please great products

  5. B pillar

  6. Awesome info. B pillar or both.
    Getter done.

  7. Slider.

    1. B pillar

  8. slider

  9. came here to calculate a slider. Do I need to get the bend tech software to do this or is there still a vote going?

    1. Yes, at this time it is lines on your floor at 100% scale (process described in bending 101) or Bend Tech (or other CAD system). We plan to make one here but as you can tell from the date on this page and comments, we haven’t gotten to this for quite some time. -Joe

  10. B Pillar

    1. B pillar

  11. B-Pillar

  12. Slider

  13. Slider

    1. Slider

  14. Pillar please.

    1. Alider

    2. Please! I have been searching for this type of calculator and I’ve been coming up empty. This would be so beneficial to properly lay out your cage and make sure that all of your mathematical information is correct.

  15. Slider

  16. both please and thanks

    1. B pillar please

      1. B pillar
        Great calculators

  17. Slider or B-pillar, couldn’t you use the calculator for either or?

  18. both but if we have to choose between them then b pillar

  19. Sliders

  20. B Pillar.

    1. Can we just get these calculators working again ?! But halo calculator would be great.

      1. So weird. As soon as I made the comment the calculators started working again. I’ve been checking back for two days including a bunch of times today.

      2. Sorry about that we are in the process of getting them working again. – Josh in customer service

        1. B pillar

  21. B PIllar

  22. B Pillar

  23. B pillar

    1. Still waiting on that sweet B pillar calculator ♥️

      1. me 2

  24. b pillar

  25. B Pillar please

  26. B-Pillar Please!!

  27. Both!!

    1. B pillar

    2. B

    3. Slider 🙂

  28. B Pillar

  29. Both!? 😉


  30. B Pillar, please!

  31. b pillar

  32. I vote for Slider

  33. I vote b-pillar.

    1. B pillar, could be used for bumpers too!

  34. B Pillar calculator, for the win!

  35. B pillar please, thanks

    1. Slider

  36. slider

  37. B Pillar

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