Design – Bend in the Middle

We created this page to help you design and manufacture bent tube! Let us know what else you would like to see a calculator for!

Bend In The Middle Calculator

Bend In The Middle Calculator - Clamp Block Distance

Bend in the Middle Calculator

This will tell you how to put a bend in the center of a piece of tubing! No math skills required. Forms are pre-filled with the exact numbers from our sample image so you can see where to plug in your numbers. This form outputs in decimal, so keep a fraction chart handy if you're going to use a tape measure to lay out your tube.
Current machines are 601/605/625. see FAQ for more info.
How long will the straight parts be? Look at the picture to see what this means. If you have a piece of tube/pipe a certain length and want to bend it in the middle (and you don't care what the leg lengths are, as long as they match), just type in numbers here until your "cut length" below is the length of the chunk-o-pipe sitting on your floor. Easy!
3.5", 4.5", and 6.0" Are Common
Note: This assumes NO Tube Stretch
Note: Assumes a 0.6% Tube Stretch. If you have a negative number here, a longer "leg length" is needed!
This is helpful if you are using a bender from JD2, Protools, Baileigh, etc.
Bend In The Middle Calculator - Tube Layout

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