Stainless Steel Degree Bars


(1 customer review)
SKU: 101499 Categories: ,
  • Dimensions:

    1 × 2 × 9 in

In stock


Replace the degree sticker on your bend wheel with these high-quality stainless steel bars. One-degree resolution ensures accurate bending, while a durable laser-engraved surface ensures your degree scale will stay easy to read for years to come. Each kit will come with two bars.

Click HERE to see a video on installing these bars

These are also available as part of our Bender Upgrades Package

1 review for Stainless Steel Degree Bars

    Img 2089
    Jason Sabat
    As I gain more experience in life, I also realize that I need more glasses stashed all over the place. These laser etched degree bars, clamp die pieces and upgraded pointer are much more than just a prettier setup. They are old man approved and really help to get repeatable bend and measure spring back more easily.
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